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Note: This page and any entries listed on it are placeholder pages and contain information that must be approved by Roleplay Staff on a case-by-case basis prior to inclusion in your character's information (cinfo). Keep the following caveats in mind:

  • Metal is not better than meat, just different. Autologous cloned body parts are available in a number of situations.
  • In addition to being vulnerable to taser-style electrical effects, cybernetic implants, including limbs, are also vulnerable to things like EMP and induction heating.
  • Artificial limbs may be stronger than their meat counterparts, but they're still ultimately anchored to muscle and bone. So, yes, you might be able to crush a cue ball in your hand, but no, you can't lift that truck/vending machine/locomotive over your head.
  • Cybernetic technology, while impressive in some cases, has not advanced to the stage where it can replace damaged/missing brain tissue or otherwise enhance its function. Likewise, the contents of your brain cannot be uploaded, destructively or otherwise, into a computer.

Biomechatronics - Artificial limbs.

Neuroprosthetics - Functional replacements for the five major senses.

Artificial Organs - If it goes inside the torso, it gets here.

cybernetics.1311088882.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/07/19 15:21 by hagalaz