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Note: Any player wishing to have a character with cybernetic implants (including functional artificial limbs) must have their request reviewed by Roleplay Staff prior to @approval. Proposed implants must be listed in the character's information (cinfo), preferably in an RPS-only “cinfo #secret” field until @approval is granted. @Approval of cybernetic implants must be @wizlogged by Roleplay Staff. Keep the following caveats in mind:

  • This is not Shadowrun MUCK or Cyberpunk:2020 MUCK. You cannot simply go to the local mall or backstreet chop shop and have implants placed “In About An Hour®”. Extensive, expensive work and hospital stay time is required, and a medical practicioner replacing an intact, perfectly healthy organic system with a cybernetic one is questionable under even the loosest of medical ethics standards.
  • Metal is not better than meat, just different. Autologous cloned body parts are available in almost every situation.
  • In addition to being vulnerable to taser-style electrical effects, cybernetic implants are also vulnerable to things like EMP and induction heating.
  • Cybernetic technology, while impressive in some cases, has not advanced to the stage where it can replace damaged/missing brain tissue or otherwise enhance or replace its function. Likewise, the contents of your brain cannot be uploaded, destructively or otherwise, into a computer.

Players interested in reading about the 'science' behind cybernetics can look at the following links:

Biomechatronics - Artificial limbs.

Neuroprosthetics - Functional replacements for the five major senses.

Artificial Organs - If it goes inside the torso, it goes here.

cybernetics.1311179200.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/07/20 16:26 by hagalaz