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Any player wishing to have a character with cybernetic implants (including functional artificial limbs) must have their request reviewed by Roleplay Staff prior to approval. Proposed implants must be listed in the character's information (cinfo), preferably in an RPS-only cinfo #secret field until approval is granted. Keep the following caveats in mind:

  • This is not Shadowrun MUCK or Cyberpunk:2020 MUCK. You cannot simply go to the local mall or backstreet chop shop and have implants placed “In About An Hour®”. Extensive, expensive work at a capable medical center and rehabilitation are required, and a medical practicioner replacing an intact, perfectly healthy organic system with a cybernetic one would be questioned under even the loosest of medical ethics standards.
  • Metal is not better than meat, just different. Autologous cloned body parts are available in almost every situation.
  • In addition to being vulnerable to taser-style electrical effects, cybernetic implants are also vulnerable to things like EMP and induction heating.
  • Cybernetic technology, while impressive in some cases, has not advanced to the stage where it can replace damaged/missing brain tissue or otherwise enhance or replace the brain's functions. Likewise, the contents of your brain cannot be uploaded, destructively or otherwise, into a computer. Brain death is still permanent at this time.

Players interested in reading about the 'science' behind cybernetics can look at the following links:

Biomechatronics - Artificial limbs.

Neuroprosthetics - Functional replacements for the five major senses.

Artificial Organs - If it goes inside the torso, it goes here.

cybernetics.1311210333.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/07/21 01:05 by hagalaz