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This document goes with the L.I.T.E system for 3-dimensional, multiple universe space travel.

Notice: Reason for this document

Due to bad experience in the past with players who proved unmotivated to perform even basic setup on their vehicles, we no longer allow ships to be released into space without screening by our theme and RP staff. This set of guidelines and building procedures replaces the formerly automated Buildship command, which is now defunct, and to acquire a spaceship under the new rules, these construction guidelines are to be followed precisely. Notice that the final steps in the construction proces involves having a member of RPstaff visit the vessel and run an approval program before the vehicle is L.I.T.E compatible.

Notice: Manual version

This is the latest version of the ship building manual. It is likely to evolve to include FAQ and fixes as players run into questions or problems while following these instructions. If you follow these instructions and something does not seem to work, please contact Karinne by page #mail.

Creating the Ship Object

Create an object that will represent your vehicle, using the regular method for creating an item. You should know already what your vehicle is going to be called, and from here on every time you read the word <vehiclename>, replace it with the name you selected for your vehicle. Note that we will register this object as MyVehicle upon creation, so that we can refer to it easily in the future.

@CREATE <vehiclename> = 1 = MyVehObject

Ships are heavy, and not to be carried around by anyone. Therefore you are to set a lock on the object that makes it impossible to pick up. ( Don't worry, it is alright to have it in your inventory for just now, but later on we will put it in a good place. )

Thanks to having registered it in Step 1, you can now refer to your vehicle simply as $MyVehicle.

@LOCK $MyVehObject = me&!me

Describe the Ship Object

Now that we know nobody is going to run away with our object, it should be given a description. Remember to write accurately what the vehicle looks like in terms of size, entrance locations, design style, etc. Planetary, corporate or faction logo is also to be mentioned in the description.

lsedit $MyVehObject = desc

  • <multi-line description of your choice, may include MPI and ansi color>
  • hit <ENTER> at end of each paragraph.
  • type .help for the list editor help hints.


@DESC $MyVehObject = {eval:{list:desc,this}}

Set your ship with the Q flag, a requirement to see things through your window in color.

@SET $MyVehObject = Q

You may set further details on your ship object, such as a scent, some patterns for MPI pronoun substitution, etc. Anyway, when you look at a sample ship object, you should now look something like:

Spaceship (#555QM)

with a description of the ship appearing after the name of the ship.

Set up LITE properties on ship object

Set up your vehicle preferences on the spaceship. This is done by assigning values to a list of properties in the _vprefs/ directory in your object properties. All are optional, if left empty in most cases the LITE programs will insert a default.

For example, to set your Powerup and Powerdown messages, use:

@SET $MyVehObject = _vprefs/Powerup:trembles as the generators come online.

@SET $MyVehObject = _vprefs/Powerdown:gently powers down. Its lights dim, and then it becomes quiet.

Other vehicle preferences include:

_vprefs/Type = What your ship is supposed to be, eg 'Long Range Scout', 'Luna Trader', etc.

The following are used when a ship acts as a carrier:

_vprefs/CarrierIn_su = Set here the message sent to a ship landing to your vehicle bay.

_vprefs/CarrierIn_osu = Set here what ships around you see when a ship lands to your vehicle bay

_vprefs/CarrierIn_odr = Set here what is seen in your vehicle bay when a ship is incoming

For an up to date list, you should type @view $props/vprefs

For the moment, we are done with the vehicle object.

Creating the Ship's Parent Room

It is now time to begin creating the structure of rooms that is to go inside. The first of these rooms will be a Parent Room that contains all the other rooms of your vehicle for safe keeping. This room must be declared as follows: (And notice that we register this room as $MyVehRooms for easy future reference.)

Dig the Ship's parent room

@dig <vehiclename> Parent Room = $lite/parent/Spaceship = $MyVehRooms

Move to the Ship's parent room and get to work!

It will be easier to edit this new room when you are inside, so go there.

@tel me=$MyVehRooms

Make sure there are no properties on your room. While standing inside, type:

EXAMINE here=/

There should be nothing there. If there is anything there, remove it and repeat.

Because actions inherit down the environment, and all the rooms in your ship are either directly or indirectly going to be below this one, any action you create on this object will be available from every room in your vehicle. This makes it the ideal place to install your home-made MPI commands from. If you have none, you may skip this step.

Describe the Ship's parent room

There is only limited freedom in how this particular room should be described - use the following:

@DESC $MyVehRooms = Builder: <your name>, Co-builders: <anyone else helping you>, Reason for building: <what the ship is for>, <enter any other comments you like to mention as related to the ship construction here>

Start making the actual interior rooms for your ship

Begin creating real rooms now for your ship. (If you know how, you can also use additional layers of sub-parentrooms for seperate parts of the ship, which will not affect ship operation in any way. For novice builders however, we will work with the simpler concept of having all further rooms directly under $MyVehRooms.)

Here is a guideline for how many interior rooms are considered appropriate for different size classes of ship:

Class Size (m) #rooms Suitable civilian ship type examples
0/M 4-20 1 These are Mecha, see Mecha documentation
1 60-100 2-5 Scouts, couriers, other private transport
2 100-300 4-12 “Free Trader”-style transports, passenger liners
3 300-600 10-18 “Subsidized Merchant”-style transports (faction-owned)
4 600-1000 15-25 Supertanker, Long distance passenger liner
5 1000-1500 30-40 Restricted to major factions with Headwizard approval.
L Any Any Planets, Space stations, etc.

Please note the additional requirements for spaceships of various size classes. These are cumulative, so whatever is required for a size 1 is also required for size 2, and so forth:

Class 1

  • Complete and thorough description on the vehicle object (spellcheck please!).
  • Complete and thorough description on any rooms inside the vehicle (spellcheck please!).
  • Minimum number of rooms is two, in which case one room must be a dedicated airlock, and the other a combination of control room and crew space in one.
  • Anything additional that the staffer handling the request considers vital to the nature of the ship that has been requested may be added to the list of requirements on a case-by-case basis.

Class 2

  • Requires minimal crew of 1 supporting the request that is not also crew to another ship
  • @succ, @osucc and @odrop on all exits
  • Must have equivalent of identifyable crew space. Crew stations may double as other parts of the ship if necessary to keep to realistic room distribution.

Class 3

  • Requires minimal crew of 3 supporting the request that is not also crew to another ship
  • Must have equivalent of Crew Cabins or Bunk Room with lockers
  • Must have equivalent of Auxiliary Bridge ( or distributed controls anyway for alien ships that do not adhere to the philosophy of having a central location )
  • Must have equivalent of Engine Room
  • Must have equivalent of First Aid Station
  • Must have equivalent of Galley
  • Must have 'decoration' on board, meaning mpi or @succ/@osucc'ed exits that allow RP related actions in appropriate rooms. This way, by the time a player can own a Class 3 ship, they should also be at least capable of building a decent interesting muck area.

Class 4

  • Requires minimal crew of 5 supporting the request that is not also crew to another ship
  • At least one Headwiz must approve the creation of a Class 4
  • Must have equivalent of Mess Hall
  • Must have equivalent of Fully Equipped Medical Bay
  • Must have equivalent of actual IC storerooms for larger gear
  • Must have equivalent of multiple entry hatches

Class 5

  • Must be created in the course of a long running TP, which is handled together with our RP staffers.
  • Headwiz majority vote is required for approval of any Class 5

Example room - the Bridge

Since most ships will have a bridge at least, we will create that as an example of how to add a room to your ship. Feel free to replace “Bridge” with anything you feel is appropriate. Remember, you should still be standing in the room you created in

@dig Bridge = here

Look at the room. You will see that your room has appeared in the room contents with you. Now go there.

@TEL me = <Bridge room dbref#> ( Where dbref#. is the reference number shown next to the new room)

Make sure there are no properties on your room. While standing inside, type:

EXAMINE here=/

There should be nothing there. If there is anything there, remove it and repeat.

Describe the room

Using either @desc or the room-editor editroom, edit the appearance of this room to look like the command center of your ship - or any other part of your ship if you are making something other than a bridge.

Activating ship command functions

For fun, type navigate or pilot or another obvious spaceship command. You will get a hint on how to enable the command to be used in your room. After you set the prop it told you was missing, you can run it again. Don't worry about the error message you get now, that is going to stay that way until after your ship has been approved by a member of staff.

Return to the Parent Room, and repeat...

You do not need to do anything else to this room for now. Type exit to return to your vehicle's parent room.

Create at least one other room. It may be a cargo room with a direct outside access hatch if you are making a small shuttle, or an actual airlock for larger vessels. Use the steps listed for creating the bridge for this, and every other room you create for your ship. While making descriptions, keep in mind that this is a realistic game. Technology that is out of reach for the levels described in muck documentation can also not be on board you ship, the 'private area' rules do not apply to rooms within ships.

(This also implies that unless an arrangement is made with RP staff, the inside area of a spaceship must not be rated at or upward of R in terms of violence or sexual theme. Good taste please.)

Also, a case I will mention explicitly because it keeps coming up for some reason, is that while they may be pleasant to have around, regulation ship features would not include a Jacuzzi. (Exceptions are permitted, but before asking a wizard, ask yourself if your ship is a luxury liner, super-expensive private yacht, or that you are perhaps installing one on the officers deck on a class 4 or 5 command carrier. If none of these conditions apply, the answer is most likely going to be 'no'.)

Linking the rooms

Because people do not go around using OOC commands like @tel to get around the ship all the time, you must create exits between your rooms. This is easiest while you are standing in the parent room, so @tel me = $MyVehRooms if you are not already there. The advantage to being there is that you can need only type look and it will show all the reference number of the rooms in your ship, so you do not need to write them down on paper or keep them memorized all the time.

Create actions in rooms leading to other rooms:

@ACTION <exit name> = #<room that has this exit>,#<room the exit leads to>

Continue until you have linked all the rooms together the way you wanted them to be. It usually helps to have a small diagram on paper describing your ship, and have the exits numbered, so that you can do them in some logical order and decrease the risk of finding afterwards that you missed one or a few.

Double-check your work

Walk through your ship a lot, using every exit in every room to be sure they are in the right places. Also keep an eye out for consistency in your room descriptions (If one end of a hallway has red floor panels and concave walls, and the linked other end of the hallway has green panels or carpet and straight walls, you are possibly doing something wrong) Not compulsory, but while you are doing this, you may want to set @locks on doors, as well as @succ, @osucc, @fail, @ofail, @drop, @odrop and @desc messages where appropriate. These features are going to make your ship a very attractive example of shipbuilding, especially if you can combine them with MPI.

NOTE: Basic @succ, @osucc, and @odrop messages are now required in ships of size class 2 or higher!

Other Options

If you want your ship to be able to act as a carrier, make sure your ship contains a room described appropriately for the type of vehicle you wish to carry there. On military ships this room may be a 'fighter launch bay', on civilian ships it is more likely to be named along lines of 'shuttle bay' or just 'vehicle bay' for those who wish to carry a mix of space, air, ground or other small vehicles.

To activate a room to act as a vehicle bay, stand in it and type:

@set here=_shipok?:yes

@set here=_vehbay:yes

You may have more than one room in your ship set _shipok?:yes, but you can only have one room set _vehbay:yes. If you have more, then only the first one encountered by the carrier system will be used.

Finishing Touches

Ship Approval

Your ship should now be complete in all ways but two - it still needs to be @approved, and once approved as a spacecraft, it needs an airlock so users can go in and out subject to the physics of space.

It is time then to contact a staffer to get that ship approved, no? But wait - not all staffers can approve ships, so here is a list of those who can:

- The heads of RP staff - Wizzes of rank W3 and up.

In practical terms this means, at the time of this writing,

  • Tsye - RP Wizard
  • Hagalaz - Headwizard
  • unci - Headwizard
  • Zobeid - Headwizard, MUF & Site Wizard
  • Karinne - Space Wizard
  • Flame - Building Wizard

If none of these is available, leave a page #mail with the request for approval, and mention explicitly the dbref# of your $myVehRooms because the wizards do not have psychic ability to know what ship you mean.

As it can take some time to properly inspect a ship, please accept that there may be some days delay between the request being made and the ship being given approval. (Or suggestions for change, if the ship does not meet the approval criteria of completeness and theme adherance)


To install an airlock, go into your airlock compartment (which you should have built and described before now), and enter this:

@action Egress Hatch (OUT);egress;hatch;out;o=here,$muf/lite-airlock

hatch #setup

Please note, your airlock should have one exit to and from the rest of the ship. Your airlock compartment also cannot be used as a docking port. You do not need to create an exit to get back into your ship. We now have the global board <shipname> action for boarding LITE ships. This works by matching a ship name while standing in the same room as it.

If you're comfortable with code (or at the very least, can copy and paste), you can create a secure airlock to keep the riff-raff out of your ship by following the instructions here.

Docking Ports

To install a docking port, go into an appropriate room of your ship (but not the airlock compartment) and enter this:

@action Docking Port (DP);dp=here,$muf/lite-dock



As a final touch, you may want to set up a communications set on your ship so you can talk with other spaceships. For instructions, just enter this:

@view $muf/commset

Cargo Bays

Cargo bays serve as a useful point on your ship from which you can do things like receive ship component modules and munitions crates from outside your ship or offload them to the ship's exterior.

Main article: Reloading Munitions Main article: spaceship upgrades ==== Setup ==== To set up the cargo bay to receive physical objects, enter the following: @set here=_Loadingbay:Allow @set here=_install:Allow @set here=_ammoload:Allow ==== Use ==== A mecha can be used to get physical objects and load them on your ship by typing the following: load <crate/component/etc…> onto <shipname> You will see something similar to this: CLM unit II loads <crate> onto the <shipname> You can unload physical objects by typing the following: unload <crate/component/etc…> You will see something similar to this: Loading arms push <crate> out of the cargo bay and deposit it outside the ship. ====== Phase Three: PROFIT! ====== Now you should have a fully functional spaceship!

spaceship_construction.1307957727.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/06/13 09:35 by hagalaz